Ferry. St. Catherine

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Light Industrial?
Light Industrial zoning accommodates industries where processes are considered low-impact and do not negatively affect the aesthetics, quality, or overall enjoyment of an area due to appearance, noise, pollution, smell, or traffic.

2. What are some examples of Light Industrial?
Light industrial uses typically involve the manufacturing of food and beverages, printing and publishing, electronic equipment, assembly-type operations, research and development facilities, and small-scale logistics operations.

3. What is Commercial?
Commercial use refers to the utilization of land, buildings, or properties for business or profit-making purposes.

4. What are some examples of Commercial uses?
Commercial use encompasses a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Retail: Sale of goods directly to consumers through stores, malls, or online platforms.
  • Offices: Spaces used for administrative, managerial, or professional purposes, such as corporate offices, co-working spaces, and professional service firms.
  • Restaurants and Food Services: Establishments selling prepared food and beverages for immediate consumption, such as restaurants, cafes, fast-food outlets, and food trucks.
  • Entertainment: Venues offering recreational activities or entertainment services, including theaters, cinemas, amusement parks, bowling alleys, and arcades.
  • Healthcare: Facilities providing medical services, including hospitals, clinics, dental offices, and pharmacies.
  • Financial Services: Institutions offering banking, insurance, investment, or other financial services, such as banks, credit unions, insurance agencies, and brokerage firms.
  • Commercial Services: Businesses providing professional or personal services, including legal, accounting, real estate, advertising, consulting, and maintenance services.

5. Can a light industrial lot be changed and used for commercial purposes?
Light industrial uses may be allowed on lots zoned as commercial, provided they do not conflict with surrounding uses and comply with all relevant development standards.

6. Can a commercial lot be changed and used for light industrial purposes?
Change of use requires evaluation, considering the location and the intended development.

7. What is the process for approval?
The process is summarized as follows:

  1. Advertisement for Requests for Proposals (RFOPs) is placed in at least two (2) media outlets and on the UDC website.
  2. The Information Memorandum Document (IMD) is made available to bidders for purchase or download as per the advertisement.
  3. Within twenty-one (21) working days of the advertisement closing, proposals are assessed.
  4. The Evaluation Committee makes recommendations to the UDC Board of Directors, and non-objection from the Portfolio Minister is sought.
  5. Upon receiving the Portfolio Minister’s non-objection, the submission is made for Cabinet approval.
  6. Once Cabinet approval is received, the successful bidder is notified by the UDC, and necessary documents are prepared.

8. How long after submitting the offer will I hear back from UDC?
Notification of the successful applicant will be provided after receiving Ministerial Approval. The UDC will notify the successful applicant(s) in writing. This process is subject to oversight and scrutiny by other Government of Jamaica (GOJ) regulatory agencies and stakeholders, which may impact the overall timeline for finalization.

9. What happens if there is more than one interest in the same lot?
In the event of competing bids for a particular lot, precedence will be given to the offer that presents the highest monetary value.

10. When is the second payment due?
Following the initial 10% deposit submitted as per application requirements, an additional payment of 10% of the sale price is due when the UDC commences work. The balance is payable upon completion of the development by UDC.

11. When is the work expected to begin?
Within six months.