Ferry. St. Catherine


The Urban Development Corporation (hereinafter called “UDC”) requests the submission of offers to purchase “Lot 69 – Raintree Commercial Complex, Part of Caymanas Estates, St. Catherine for commercial development. The subject property is registered at Volume 1335 Folio 855, with an approximatearea of 9,656.66 m2 (103,944.374 ft2) or 2.3 acres.

A map of a highway lot 69

The site is irregular in shape, situated just below the grade of the Mandela Highway. It is relatively flat and appears to be free draining. The boundaries are unsecured, and the site can be accessed via unpaved reserved road off Mandela Highway. 

The Nelson Mandela Highway is a six (6)-lane roadway (three lanes in each direction). The westbound lanes carry outbound traffic from Kingston to Spanish Town while the eastbound lanes carry inbound traffic from Spanish Town to Kingston. 

The subject property is in proximity to the Ferry Police Station on the northern side of the Nelson Mandela Highway.  It can be identified by location plan (as seen above) and is bounded as follows:

  • NORTH:  Lands part of Caymans Estates – Remainder of same land  
  • SOUTH:  Mandela Highway  
  • EAST:  Lands part of Ferry Pen / Ferry Road – Institutional/ Industrial/ Roadway  
  • WEST:  Lands part of Caymanas Estates – Remainder of same land  

The sale price (minimum bid) to purchase Lot 69 – Raintree Commercial Complex, St. Catherine registered at Volume 1335 Folio 855 is Four Hundred Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Jamaican Dollars (J$402,500,000.00). Offers below the reserve fee amount will NOT be accepted. Please note that GCT, Transfer tax and Stamp duty will be subsequently applied to the bidding amount.

Click here to download the Information Memorandum Document (IMD) and application form. The IMD becomes available on FEBRUARY 16, 2025. Application Packages are also available for J$2,000 from the UDC’s Head office, Seventh Floor, 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston. 

ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS CLOSES MARCH 19, 2025, AT 2:00 PM. This is a competitive bid process. Bids will be deposited in the appropriately labelled tender box on the Seventh Floor, of Urban Development Corporation (Office Centre Building), 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston.

An official public opening of bids/offers will be convened on MARCH 19, 2025, AT 2:15 PM. at the offices of the Urban Development Corporation (Office Centre Building), 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston.

Enquiries, requests, and all correspondence relating to this offer are to be directed to:

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Department